Bacaan tambahan Kem_tahanan_Jasenovac

  • Witness to Jasenovac's Hell. Ilija Ivanović (with Wanda Schindley, ed.), Aleksandra Lazic (translator), Dallas Publishing, 2002
  • State Commission investigation of crimes of the occupiers and their collaborators in Croatia (1946). Crimes in the Jasenovac Camp. Zagreb.
  • Ustasha Camps by Mirko Percen, Globus, Zagreb, 1966; 2nd expanded printing 1990.
  • Ustashi and the Independent State of Croatia 1941–1945, by Fikreta Jelić-Butić, Liber, Zagreb, 1977.
  • Romans, J. Jews of Yugoslavia, 1941– 1945: Victims of Genocide and Freedom Fighters, Belgrade, 1982
  • Antisemitism in the anti-fascist Holocaust: a collection of works, The Jewish Center, Zagreb, 1996.
  • The Jasenovac Concentration Camp, by Antun Miletić, Volumes One and Two, Belgrade, 1986. Volume Three, Belgrade, 1987 (2nd edition, 1993).
  • Hell's Torture Chamber by Đjorđe Milica, Zagreb, 1945.
  • Die Besatzungszeit das Genozid in Jugoslawien 1941–1945 by Vladimir Umeljić, Graphics High Publishing, Los Angeles, CA, 1994.
  • Srbi i genocidni XX vek (Serbs and 20th century, Ages of Genocide) by Vladimir Umeljić, (vol 1, vol 2), Magne, Belgrade, 2004
  • Kaputt, by Curzio Malaparte; translated by Cesare Foligno, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL, 1999.
  • Der kroatische Ustascha-Staat 1941–1945, by Ladislaus Hory and Martin Broszat, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1964.
  • Novak, Viktor (2011). Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia. 1. Jagodina: Gambit.
  • Novak, Viktor (2011). Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia. 2. Jagodina: Gambit.